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Paint to Unwind

De-Stress & Refresh Your Body & Mind


Experience the transformative power of paint play through a somatic experience of splashing, splattering & dancing with color.

Welcome to a new way to paint.


I won't teach you to paint a sunflower.

I will teach you how to calm the mental chatter and relax your body with color &  brush strokes.

I will guide you back to the joy of play!


Wednesday October 11th, 2023 5:30-7:30PM
Old Town, Fort Collins, CO.

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Wear clothes you can stain.
Prepare to have fun.

What would your life feel like if you felt so free to express yourself,

that you didn't care what others thought?

The first step lies in letting go of inhibition.

(Even if 'not caring' still feels like a long shot).

Paint is a perfect tool to do that with.

At the very least, you can count on having loads of fun simply letting yourself PLAY and color without rules.

At Paint to Unwind, we will:

  • Warm up with scribbles, breath & movement. We'll release the day's stress, let go of inhibition, and shift from analytical to creative mode through movement and simple breathing exercises.

  • Dance with paint to a cathartic playlist. I'll guide you through a somatic experience of free-flow painting to music to unlock your expression, have hella fun doing it, and calm your nervous system.

  • Have fun! Let's not forget why we're all here. Even research shows that play really is just about the best mind-body-spirit medicine we could indulge in.

  • Enjoy snacks, mocktails & heartfelt connection. The evening wouldn't be complete without the chance to pamper you all with a fresh, GF, DF, low-sugar yet delectable treat.

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Paint to Unwind is Designed to Leave you feeling

  • More confident in your expression (even if just a little!)

  • Empowered with simple somatic tools you can use anytime to calm your nerves

  • A break from mental chatter

  • Re-acquainted with your heart

  • A sense of peace before you wind down for bed

  • Connected to new friends 

And no, you don't have to 'know how to paint.'

It's not about how it looks.

It's about how good the process feels!


"This is exactly what I need! This whole course has been so inspiring to help me take care of myself, and get out of my head."

~Kristen Stine,

DoTERRA Advocate

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"I experienced an opening to myself unlike any other I've had in many years of personal growth."

~Jane Schreiner,

Life Coach


"Your class totally blew my expectations out of the water! I love your teaching style and the heart of this creative work. Being able to get in touch with my emotions and then express them is exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you!"

~Tami Wolff, 



"Chelsea's classes provide a sacred space to take a break in my day. I love her insights and instruction. She provides an inspiring container to come back to myself and let my creativity and emotions flow..."

~Robin Waters,

Voice Artist



What materials do I need?

Nothing! Everything is provided. Just come with an open mind.

What if I don't have prior experience with art?

That's PERFECTLY OK!! This experience is designed specifically for YOU! It's not about "how good" of a painting you can create. In fact, our whole experience will be about finding the way of expressing yourself that feels MOST enjoyable! 

Will we be inside or outside / What are accommodations like?

We will begin outside, weather permitting. Then, we will likely migrate inside our little 650-square-foot "gnome abode." We have a restroom and there will be water and snacks. Our house is, unfortunately, not wheelchair accessible at this time.

Do I have to "show and tell" what I paint?

When it comes to our BIG painting that we will create as a group, outside, YES. And it will likely be a messy, wild, and wonderful hodge-podge of paint from us all.

As far as your own doodles and scribbles, not unless you want to! We welcome sharing (because contrary to what we learned in school, there IS NO 'wrong' way to paint!), and sharing our expression can be a wonderful way to build connection and confidence. But, it's perfectly fine if you're not comfortable sharing. Ultimately, what you create is FOR YOU. 

Will I learn "how" to paint?

You will NOT learn formal painting techniques during this evening workshop. Rather, you'll learn somatic techniques for moving into your right, creative brain, and freeing your own individual expression. If you're interested in learning more "how" to paint, join my newsletter to be in the loop about when other classes are announced.

What if I still have more questions?

All questions are welcome! Reach out to me via the "Let's Chat" icon on the lower right and I'd love to hear what you're curious about.

Meet Your Host
Hello, Beautiful Soul!

Thank YOU for stopping by! 

I'm Chelsea, your host.  It's my mission to help you experience creative freedom and play--so you can infuse your life with pleasure, and have the space to do the things you're most passionate about.

A little background: I earned my BFA in fine arts from Western State University and have worked since as a freelance muralist, illustrator, copywriter, and co-manager of family-owned local farms.

Art continues to be a vital healing tool and form of play for me. My own physical and spiritual healing journey has and continues to teach me how crucial our creative power is to living an abundant, health-filled life we fully enjoy.

I can't wait to connect & create with you!


©2023 by Chelsea Glanz.

Photo Credit Cara Faith

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