Paint Yourself Free
Release your mind and liberate your creative power
even if you've never touched a brush.
A two-day online workshop to unleash your creativity using free flow painting.
March 12-13, 2022.
Registration closes February 19th.
“I don’t have time.”
“I failed art class.”
"Art's just not my thing."
If these are the reasons your creative projects are collecting dust on the shelf, there’s also a reason they’re still there… waiting to be tended.
Maybe you convinced yourself there's more important, practical things to focus on. Maybe art seems "fun," but mostly pointless.
The truth is, you have an inner creative genius waiting to play, express, and color outside the lines. "Painting" is just ONE of many ways to unleash her.
Once your creative genius is liberated, you might be amazed at what you feel free to create; not only with paints on paper, but in your business, your love life, and your leisure life.
How would it feel to be celebrated for scribbling outside the lines??
How would you move throughout your day if you felt FREE to wear the ensemble that really feels like YOU even if it seems a little eccentric?
What would it feel like to give yourself time for pleasure and play?
What would you accomplish if you were liberated from the fear of creative failure?
Claiming our own creative power is one of the most healing and energizing things we can do.
To unleash our creative genius, we first have to
release the mind's chatter and connect with our heart.
What We'll Do:
Awaken your inspiration—so you can start creating the way YOU want to. You'll have helpful, instructional guides to follow without letting rules block your flow.
Gain confidence in your natural expression. We all have it… even if we don’t know it. Most of us area taught we need to change our natural expression mode to “look like something or someone else’s.” This zaps our confidence. One of the most beautiful things about any art, and humans, is diversity. This workshop is all about helping you proudly embrace yours.
Empower your life with creative energy. When we discover our own creativity, it naturally influences other aspects of our lives—how would feeling more inspired change your physical experience of energy?
Give yourself permission to play and feel refreshed: Part of being human is play... JUST because. For the simple joy of play. We were created to enjoy 'right here, right now.' When we can step out of the business of planning and doing, we tap into magical meaning in life.
You'll Come Away with:
Higher confidence in your ability to express your creativity in a way that’s uniquely yours… whether you want to paint as an outlet after a stressful workday, showcase your work in a gallery, or never paint again and express your art in a totally different way--like performing, coaching, or design work.
Tools (skills)—though this is not a how-to / paint-by-number class, you’ll still gain valuable basic painting tools that will help you actually free up your natural ability to express instead of feeling constricted by rules.
Heightened Connection with your innate creative power and with nature. Nature, of which we are a part, is the ultimate healer and creative expression. By incorporating practices that work to connect us with the natural world, we will increase our capacity to easily embrace and unleash our expressive power.
Community: This is just the beginning. You'll have the opportunity to continue engaging with a built-in support system and fuel your creative practice through 2022.
What's Included:
Membership to participate in LIVE Zoom workshops Saturday and Sunday March 12-13th 12:00-3:30PM MST.
Access to 6 pre-recorded concept and skills based modules prior to our LIVE sessions. These modules will cover the basics of using color, shape, line, shading and contrast to express so that you can get the most out of your materials.​
Access to a private, supportive online community. This is just the beginning. You'll have the opportunity to continue engaging with a private, online community and fuel your creative practice through 2022.
Discounts on future events and opportunities as a patron.
Your Hosts
Chelsea Glanz
With a lifetime of experience in fine arts, gardening and event hosting, Chelsea is devoted to curating a fun, liberating experience that connects you to your innate, creative energy.
Cara Faith
As our guest intuitive and meditation guide, Chelsea's wife Cara brings her vibrant, loving, grounded energy to help you tune into your body and explore what wants to be expressed.
What to Expect:
Our experience will include a combination of meditation and free-flow painting to music. You'll be guided by prompts and suggestions along the way, while also having time to sink into the music and "lose track of time." (I'll be your time-keeper). Questions will be welcome. Following each segment, we will have time to share and connect as a community.
As with the flow of painting, there are no hard lines to our structure, but one thing's for sure: It's bound to be packed with juicy, rich play and painting.
Here's a rough outline of what you can expect (times are PM, Mountain Standard Time):
Saturday, March 12th
12 - 1: Introduction to concepts, skills, and free-flow warmup.
1:15 - 1:45: Engaging your senses (meditation and painting/drawing exercise).
1:45 - 2: Break.
2 - 3: Emotions: expressive fuel (meditation and painting/drawing).
3 - 3:30: Sharing, discussion and questions.
Sunday, March 13th
12 - 12:15: Warmup
12:15 - 12:45 Meditation and painting/drawing flow led by Cara.
12:45 - 1:30: Organic expression to music ('dialoguing with the canvas/paper').
1:30 - 1:45: Break
1:45 - 2:45: Expressing your natural self: drawing/painting exercise.
2:45 - 3:30: Putting it all together and closing.
What Supplies will I Need?
Needed supplies: Paper and a few different colored pens.
Optional but preferred: 5-10 basic colors of acrylic paints and 3 different-sized brushes.
Windsor Newton is a recommended brand. Upon signing up, you'll be emailed a list of affordable, recommended supplies. Having paint to play with makes it fun adds variety to the types of expression you can create with line, texture, and color, but if you prefer not to purchase anything "extra," you can still participate fully in the course and receive all the benefits using colored crayons, pens, markers, or pencils, and paper.
This experience was designed for you if...
You desire a creative, joyful reprieve from endless mental chatter and stress.
You've wanted to let your creativity out but are scared of “doing it wrong.”
You were scarred by the 'red pen' in school, and feel petrified to pick up a brush (this experience was created specifically for you, dear one).
You crave feeling creative but don’t know how…
You desire a break from always being the one in control (but letting go also terrifies you…)
You desperately want some kind of pleasurable break from the daily grind--where you don't have to worry about doing anything "right" or accomplishing another "thing."
This is not your typical art class.
We will not learn how to paint or draw.
Instead, we will experience a process of unleashing our creative expression.
The way we do it just happens to be using paints or pens and pencils.
There's no grades, and no getting it "wrong."
Only exploration and the opportunity to free ourselves.
We… are going to have
I Cannot WAIT!
Become inspired.
Express with confidence and joy.
Energize 2022 with creative power.
Have fun!
Are you ready??!
I'm ready to unleash my Creative Power.
Artist Experiences
~Kristen Stine, 2020
Robin Waters, Voice Artist
"Chelsea's classes provide a sacred space to take a break in my day. I love her insights and instruction. She provides an inspiring container to come back to myself and let my creativity and emotions flow..."
Tami Wolff, Educator
"Your class totally blew my expectations out of the water! I love your teaching style and the heart of this creative work. Being able to get in touch with my emotions and then express them is exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you!"
Jane Schreiner, Certified Life Coach
"I experienced an opening to myself unlike any other I've had in many years of personal growth."
Kristen Stine, DoTERRA Wellness Advocate
"This is exactly what I need! This whole course has been so inspiring to help me take care of myself, and get out of my head."